Soil Compatibility and the Right Crop to Grow on Them

Adamss Blog

 Types of Soil and Plants They’re Most Compatible With

In concordance with an earlier post encouraging Nigerians to cultivate mini gardens in their homes, here we’ll talk about the different kinds of soils and the plants that best take them.

Before we carry on, it is the dear hope of this writer that you, our reader, have actually begun to practice home gardening, or, even better, small-scale farming. That’d be such a blast!

Moving on, below are types of soils, and our local plants that they’re really compatible with:


CLAY SOIL; generally, crops with shallow roots such as vegetables; leafy crops, rice paddies, fruit trees  , etc would do well in clay soil due to its capacity for water retention and its nutrient-rich.


SANDY SOIL; As a rule, Sandy soil is not good for plants although melon and coconut thrive in it. Also, with steady irrigation grain crops such as maize, barley, and millets as well as root vegetables and potatoes can successfully be grown in Sandy soil.


SILTY SOIL; If clay soil and Sandy soil met in the middle, the result would silty be soil. It has neither excessive water retention nor a total lack thereof. Crops such as corn, beans, squash, and most vegetables would be at home in silty soil.


LOAMY SOIL; Loamy soil is a combination of clay, sand, and silt, and is popularly acknowledged as the soil best suited to cultivation as its composition allows crops to receive just the right amount of water, air, and nutrients. Effectively, numerous crops will be well suited to loamy soil, or loamy textured soil.


Well, what are you waiting for? Let’s get digging, and good yield to all!